Meet the folks who make it all happen. We see big potential in every moment and care deeply about what we do every day. Our Carefully put together team have countless years of experience and a passion for the job that is second to none .
After working part time managing the accounts side of the buisnesss Linda has recently joined the team full time and has been invaluable for not just us but in also helping our clients deal with any isssues that they may have
With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry John was the first person to join Brian when he formed Precise Shopfitting and has been integral to the company ever since.
After spending over 30 years working around the construction industry with various suppliers, Mike has joined the team bringing his years of experience and knowledge to the office team. Plus he occasionally buys the biscuits
Has 21 years’ experience within Retail and Store Development sector. For the past 12 years he has been designing and project managing the development of retail stores throughout the UK completing in excess of 350 refits.