As of March 2021 Precise Shopfitting have officially been awarded an exciting new contract to continue our work alongside our main contractor on their upcoming refurbishment project with the department for workplace pensions. The DWP is responsible for welfare and pensions policy in the UK and is recognised as the country’s largest government department.
This new contract of work will take our team across the country as we begin what could potentially be the biggest contract in our company's history. The DWP is the UK’s largest public service department and Precise Shopfitting is extremely proud to be working with them to help bring their stores into the modern age. Over the course of the next year our experienced team will undertake a complete renovation on each of these sites, the main crux of the work will be to modernise and update the existing stores in order to meet the latest government guidelines on social distancing and covid 19 safety procedures.
Our team will begin by carefully demolishing what is left of the existing stores before beginning the process of creating new offices and redecorating existing areas before we begin a complete overhaul of the furniture and office space...